Before submitting your entry, read the FAQ section.
Decide which categories you would like to enter
Entry Kit
Download the entry kit for each award you wish to enter.
Each Award category entry kit contains the entry criteria and questions
Tip: You can prepare your answers using the entry kit, then copy and paste your answers into the correct sections of the Awards submission portal when it opens.
Get the following ready:
Professional photo or company logo
Individual awards - a high resolution professional photo.
Business awards - a high resolution company logo.
National awards - a high resolution company logo or professional photo, depending on the category.
Recommended format - either .jpeg or .png file type. Size approx. 2-3MB.
Note: If you are a finalist the photo or logo you submit will be displayed on screen at the event.
MFAA member number
Contact details of your Aggregator or State Manager - some award categories require these details. It will be specified in the entry kit.
Submitting your entry
Web browser recommendation - use Google Chrome when using the Award submission portal.
Important things to note
Once you submit your submission, you can't alter it.
You can't download your submission from the portal. To keep a copy of your submission, save it in a Word document.
If you are entering a number of submissions for different people, you need to create a separate login for each individual entrant.
Start your submission
To start your first submission, click Enter above.
Create a username (email address) and password. Remember them so you can login at any time.
Enter your contact details with your photo or logo.
Answer each question in the allocated area.
When your submission is complete, read and agree to the Terms and Conditions before pressing Submit.
To enter another category, click the button to be redirected to the new category.
After you submit your entry
You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission.
You will be contacted if you have been successful in becoming a finalist or not.